Daughters of The Roses

Mother Wound Therapy for Female Empowerment
Become the woman you were always meant to be with my online mother wound therapy membership.  

Am I the Mother Wound Counsellor Who Can Empower You to Be Your Best Self? 

I’m Charlotte Pardy,

and I developed the Daughters of the Roses programme for women to help women facing a range of common emotional challenges and traumas.  

My carefully curated online mother wound counselling membership for women can help you if:  

●You want to implement proven strategies designed to help you ditch guilt, shame, and self-blame  
●You're ready for a life without criticism, control, or competition from your mum or dad  
●You've been procrastinating about getting some help with your mother wound because you are not sure it's bad enough  
●The emotional scars caused by a dysfunctional relationship with a parent are still affecting you as an adult  

Discover how I've been able to create amazing transformations for my clients. Sign up for monthly access to my online mother wound therapy membership.  

Together, we’ll achieve your healing goals and pursue the life you were meant to live.  

How My Online Therapy Course for Women Can Change Your Life

 I know that my approach to mother wound therapy works because it has already helped several women.  

As a trusted, award-winning psychotherapist to hundreds of women in the online space, I hear a lot of women talking about themselves negatively. In many cases, these overwhelming feelings of low self-worth were caused by having a difficult, emotionally absent mum.  

The principles behind my programme were developed through my personal experience with a mother wound, as well as the key learnings I took away from my Psychotherapy degree courses.  

●Heal your mother wound for good
●Find out what kind of attachment pattern you have
●Enjoy a new level of emotional freedom
●Embrace your successes without feeling guilty
●Break the generational cycle for the benefit of your children
●Know that you’re enough
●Learn how to build and nurture healthy relationships
●Accept that your mental wellbeing has to come first – and don’t feel guilty about it
●Reset your nervous system with my calm and tone exercises
●Learn how to watch out for gaslighting and emotional manipulation

How My Online Therapy Programme for Women Works

The path to finding emotional freedom and regaining your self-worth is different for every woman. That’s why I’ve designed my programme to be flexible, remotely accessible, and interactive.

●Get access to our online healing resources and Facebook group  
●Get an invite book your Healing Roadmap session and find out your attachment pattern!
●Explore our monthly discussion topic through a monthly group call invite
●Explore your thoughts and issues around our monthly topic during our ‘Cuppa & Chat’ calls (twice monthly)
●Enjoy access to monthly ‘questions to ponder’ – and create your personal healing journaling practice
●Join our non-judgmental and welcoming community group to share, get support, and find answers to your questions
●Choose the VIP upgrade option for an invite to 2 bespoke psychotherapy sessions per month

What Students Are Saying About This Online Therapy Course for Women

I think I’ve curated a comprehensive online therapy programme for women that gets right to the root cause of emotional trauma, low confidence, and low self-esteem.  

But don’t take my word for it. Take a look at what just a few of my satisfied clients have said about Daughters of the Roses.  

Daughters of The Roses Member

"I've been no contact for two years, and what I'm discovering is that I'm more "me" without her.

More courageous, more present, more witty, more happy, more balanced, more joyous, more loving, more loved.... the list goes on.

This all about the gain. The loss doesn't exist for me, she was never there ♥️

I'm more confident, more focused, more intuitive, more authentic. And, MORE than anything, I feel able to reach my potential.

That's huge for me, because I never realised before that having more of all the above, was what I needed to get there. Hallelujah 😊"

Daughters of The Roses Member

"I have found the Daughters of The Roses Membership group supportive and inspiring. It is a safe space to share those deep behaviour patterns caused by the mother wound.

I have been working with Charlotte for a year and have made amazing progress with healing.  

I have learnt how to break the patterns of behaviour which lead to guilt and shame and how to forgive myself.  

This has entailed separating myself emotionally from my mother, something I was unable to do even though she died over twenty years ago.  

I have learned to look at situations and relationships as they are, not how my mother would have viewed them. I now know how to look at myself as I am, rather than how my mother wanted me to be.

I apply these lessons to daily life and have reduced the constant feelings of anxiety about getting everything right and being perfect.  Charlotte is an excellent teacher."

Daughters of The Roses Member

"I have had a year of transformation in my life and Charlotte has been a huge part of that.

She has helped me explore issues from my childhood regarding my relationship with my parents, and to understand deeply how they have continued to affect me and shape my relationships as an adult.

With her support, I have been able to move through a rocky period in my life, set boundaries with people that I never would have been able to before, and level up my life in a way I never knew was possible.

I will always be grateful to Charlotte for helping me discover things about myself I never knew and truly helping me to live my best life. Thank you. ❤️

Enrol Today and Save Up to £4,200 on Proven Mother Wound Therapy Resources

Membership of my Daughters of the Roses Online Therapy programme for women costs just £97 per month – or £1165 per year.  

Compared with a year’s worth of one-on-one counselling sessions, this is an exceptionally low price – particularly when you consider what’s included.  

● Cuppa and Chat calls worth – £1560
● Monthly group topic call worth – £780
● Access to our Community Support Group worth – £1500
● Calm and Tone your nervous system exercises worth – £997
● Monthly topic-based journaling questions to ponder worth – £357
● Your personalised Healing Roadmap – worth £247

Signing up as a member for just £97 per month for a year provides you with therapy materials and resources worth £5441.
That’s a total saving of more than £4,200.  

Enrol today, and start the journey towards a life of emotional freedom, self-worth, and confidence.  

Course Curriculum



This personal roadmap will guide you through the online resources (healing library), it includes:

-30 minute 1:1 with Charlotte
-Your personalised 7-page PDF Healing Roadmap

Helping you to:

-Plan your own healing journey
-Work towards your healing goals
-Track your mental health

And it's PDF format alows you to refer to it again and again! 

Enrol in my Daughters of The Roses Membership TODAY and start creating a life of emotional freedom and confidence!!



Per month