Navigating Life's Journey with Charlotte

Picture of Charlotte in the woods

Welcome to Your Inner Sanctuary, your Safe Space

Hi, I'm Charlotte

I had a traumatic childhood.

I learned how to love myself and be successful and had a strong sense of purpose, to help other women, to lift them up and help them thrive.

So I started my psychotherapy training in 2005 and when it culminated in a masters degree in 2012 it added up to 7 years of training and hundreds of clinical hours.

I wrote an article for Female First in 2021, in which I talk about ‘The impact of growing up with a difficult mother and shared my first-hand experiences of battling with a very difficult childhood and showed how I transformed myself into a fully qualified and learned woman who actively participates in the global shift of helping women thrive in this new era of feminism.

By 2023, I created a broad range of tools to help women, across their entire lives. I believe that every woman’s journey is unique—a tapestry woven with threads within our careers, aspirations, parenthood, friendships, and relationships.

I cover all aspects of the tough areas women face too, such as mother wounds, father wounds, childhood trauma and abuse, domestic abuse, bullying, body shaming, trauma, PTSD, cPTSD, BPD, finding yourself after pregnancy, baby loss, grieving and loss.

Life isn't a straight path; it's a mosaic of experiences. And sometimes, we need a guide to help us find our way.

The Women’s Lot: The Art of Balancing

Parenthood, career growth, and maintaining meaningful connections—it’s a delicate dance. As women, we wear many hats: the professional, the nurturer, the confidante. And then there are all the social expectations of what a woman should be. But what about the woman within? That’s where Charlotte comes in. Her psychotherapy skills, her gentle approach, and her desire to empower women, and provide a safe space to explore, heal, bloom and thrive.

FREE Podcast Just for You

By the way, have you heard the Heal, Bloom and Thrive Podcast yet? It’s a FREE resource which explores REAL LIVES; trauma, unhealthy relationships, and self-esteem issues, so that women can improve their relationship with themselves and learn to fall in love with life again.

Powerful therapy, courses and group sessions

What can it change for you?

Why Choose Charlotte?

There are plenty of coaching and therapy services out there. Why me?

Unlike many other services across the web, I am fully qualified in Psychotherapy, I have had first hand experience of past trauma which had affected my development, and when you join our expanding group of empowered women, you will know you are in the right place. We:

Encourage women to lift other women instead of putting them down.

Tackle head on, the old head tape you play yourself of
I am too much or I am not enough, and sometimes, confusingly, both!

Believe you deserve fulfilment in your life.

Want you to feel good about yourself.

Want you to live your life to your fullest potential.

Know that you are the only person you will be living with for the rest of your life, isn’t it about time you loved them?

You are the architect of your life.


Holistic Approach

We honour your multifaceted life. Charlotte addresses career goals, parenting challenges, friendship dynamics, and relationship hurdles—all under one roof.


Community Connection

Join our supportive community of women – Daughters of the Roses. Share stories, celebrate victories, and find solace in knowing you’re not alone on this journey.


Empowerment Legacy

When you empower a woman, you uplift generations. Let’s create a legacy of resilience, authenticity, and happiness.

Join our Circle

Your Happiness Awaits

I've been no contact for two years, and what I'm discovering is that I'm more "me" without her.

More courageous, more present, more witty, more happy, more balanced, more joyous, more loving, more loved.... the list goes on.

 This all about the gain. The loss doesn't exist for me, she was never there. More confident, more focused, more intuitive, more authentic.

And, MORE than anything, I feel able to reach my potential. That's huge for me, because I never realised before that having more of all the above, was what I needed to get there.


Working on my mindset and limiting beliefs with Charlotte has really allowed me to live my life for me. 

I no longer have sleepless nights, get upset about my mum, and that horrible endless feeling of guilt has gone. I’d recommend her work to anyone with a difficult mother, Charlotte is just so easy to talk to.


I have been working with Charlotte for a year and have made amazing progress with healing. I have learnt how to break the patterns of behaviour which lead to guilt and shame and how to forgive myself.

This has entailed separating myself emotionally from my mother, something I was unable to do even though she died over twenty years ago. I have learned to look at situations and relationships as they are, not how my mother would have viewed them. I now know how to look at myself as I am, rather than how my mother wanted me to be.

I apply these lessons to daily life and have reduced the constant feelings of anxiety about getting everything right and being perfect. Charlotte is an excellent teacher. 


I recently had a confrontation with a friend. They were acting up and I reluctantly pulled them up on it. They blew up and walked away.

My usual reaction is to blame myself and pander to them. I also have a tendency to worry about it and blame myself for a while after, sometimes disturbing my sleep.

Straight after the confrontation had happened, I remembered something Charlotte had taught me. The useful ‘Charlotte’ voice pointed out that the feeling terrible and wanting to appease comes from a time when I wanted to appease my mother while at the same time, blame myself for her actions.

Immediately on reminding myself of this, the bad feeling went away. It had completely taken the power out of it. I didn’t worry unnecessarily about my friend and it fixed itself without all the heartache. These things actually work!

Thank you, Charlotte. You are amazing.


I have had a year of transformation in my life and Charlotte has been a huge part of that. She has helped me explore issues from my childhood regarding my relationship with my parents, and to understand deeply how they have continued to affect me and shape my relationships as an adult.

With her support, I have been able to move through a rocky period in my life, set boundaries with people that I never would have been able to before, and level up my life in a way I never knew was possible.

I will always be grateful to Charlotte for helping me discover things about myself I never knew and truly helping me to live my best life.

Thank you. 


I have been working with Charlotte for a while now and since having access to this group and the workbooks within it, I have been able to understand so much more about myself and my relationship with my mother.

It has helped me to release blame and let go of any guilt I had over how our relationship stands.

Charlotte has the best ways to allow you to see things from a more open perspective giving you time to digest and understand the reasons why things may be.

Since being in this group I have been able to take a different approach with my mother, and minimise the conflict between us, although I know we both still have alot of healing to do.

I understand that my healing is my responsibility now and that I have to put myself first.

Charlotte's work is highly recommended with her wit, sense of self, friendly yet professional manner and her warmth.  


Life isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. As you navigate the labyrinth of existence, remember that you’re not just a mother, a professional, or a friend—you’re a whole universe. Let’s explore, heal, bloom and thrive together.

Empowering Women: Because your happiness matters.